This case study is to be used throughout this Session, to answer questions in set activities, which will be compiled into a report. Part A of this report, an “Initial Investigation” is to be submitted at the end of Week 6 (Thursday 17th August 2017). The final report (including your Part A adjusted after marker feedback) is to be submitted in Week 12 (Thursday 28th September 2017). You should use all relevant parts of the case study to inform your answers for the report. |
Make sure you read the entire case study before you start any of the tasks. There is information in the later sections that will help you with some of the things you need to do in the earlier parts. Don’t discount information as not being relevant because it falls later in the case study. During analysis and design information could be important at any stages regardless of when it was gathered. |
Case Study Part 1
Good Health Clinic
In 2010 cardiologists Tim Jones and Daniella Smith decided to combine their practices to form a new clinic. They wanted to concentrate on preventative medicine by helping patients maintain their health and fitness along with providing traditional medical care. A nutritionist, Tom Wilson, also joined the practice. In 2013, Mary Wu, joined the group as a physical therapist and the entire practice moved its offices to a location near a large shopping centre closer to the middle of the city.
Currently the practice has 4 doctors, 3 registered nurses, 4 physical therapists and 6 office staff workers. All 4 doctors are partners in the business. The other members are employees under their various awards and are paid as employees. They are all permanent employees, not casual.
It currently has a customer base of 3,500 patients. About a 3rd of the patients have private health insurance which covers them for wellness and health programs. The practice deals with around 10 private health insurers.
Julie Wilson, who has been with New Century since it first started, is the office manager. She supervises the office staff including Fred Brown who handles office payroll, basic accounts and income distributions to partners. Susan Jackson is responsible for maintenance of patient records. Most of the paperwork associated with insurer claims and accounts is handled by Lisa Forsythe. Jenny Robinson has primary responsibility for the appointment book including making reminder calls to patients and preparing daily appointment lists for the doctors and therapists. Carla Sims has the primary responsibilities for ordering and organising the clinic supplies and office supplies.
All 6 of the office staff have one or more primary responsibilities but they all help out whenever it’s necessary. In addition to their regular duties, all 6 office staff help out with preparing end of month accounts and reports.
Activity 1
- Use the background information to create a short summary (one short paragraph) about the Good Health Clinic.
- Create an organisation chart for the Good Health Clinic.
- Use the information above to describe the area of the organisation under study (i.e. the business’ functions that will be handled by the new information system).
- Add the background information, organisation chart, and business functions to your Report document in Part A: Initial Investigation.
There are examples of each of the things listed above in the text. However, make sure you do some other research. Use internet searches to find other examples and to look for examples that could use to help you construct the things you need. |
Case Study Part 2
Julie Wilson recently asked for permission to employ an additional office clerk because she feels the current staff can no longer handle the increasing workload. The partners discussed the request during a recent meeting. They were not surprised that the office staff were feeling overwhelmed by the constantly increasing workload. Because the practice was busier and more profitable than it had ever been, they all agreed that the practice could afford to hire another office worker.
However, during the meeting, it was suggested that they could investigate the computerisation of the office systems. A computerised system could keep track of patients, appointments, charges, insurance claims processing, and accounts and reduce paperwork. All the partners were enthusiastic about the project and voted to follow-up on the suggestion.
Because no one on staff had any computer experience, Tim Jones and Daniella Smith decided to hire a consultant (you) to study the current office systems and recommend a course of action.
Activity 2
- Either by yourself or with another class member, brainstorm all the functions that the Good Health Clinic might require. Keep it at a very high level.
- Prepare a draft System Vision Document for the new information system for the Clinic. This system vision document will be revised when you find out more about the requirements for the system. An example system vision document can be seen in Figure 1.8 of your textbook (Figure 1.5 in the 6th ed).
- Add your system vision document to your report document in Part A: Initial Investigation.
You have been given a little information about what is required but there are a lot of gaps. You are expected to fill these gaps to work out details and additional information that is needed. This also gives you some latitude to explore health clinics and their operations as they apply to your background and experience. Make sure you explore other vision documents and know how they are worded and what needs to be expressed in them so that an organisations knows where it is headed and what it is trying to achieve. |
Case Study Part 3
Fact Finding And System Requirements
The doctors, nurses and therapists provide services and perform various medical procedures. All procedures are coded according to the international Current Procedure Terminology (CTP) which is published by various medical associations. The procedure codes consist of 5 numeric digits and a 2 digit suffix (1234-12) and are used for all billing and medical claims.
There are 7 reports required at the practice that are generated from the office. The 1st report is the daily appointment list for each provider. This list shows all scheduled appointment times, patient names and services to be performed including the procedure code and description. The 2nd daily report is the call list that shows the patients who are to be reminded of their next day’s appointments. The call lust includes the patient name, telephone number, appointment time and provider name. The 3rd report is the weekly provider report that lists each of the providers and the weekly charges generated, plus a month-to-date (MTD) and year-to-date (YTD) summary.
The 4th report is the statement – a pre-printed form that is produced monthly and handed to patients as they leave the clinic. Statement header information includes the statement date, patient name and address, procedure charges, procedure provider, payment due and any outstanding payments owing. The bottom section of the statement includes details of procedures and their individual charges. Each procedure is listed on a separate line with a separate cost that are totalled for each statement. The statement also shows the totals of any refunds received from a private insurer which is deducted from the amount outstanding. Some patients are given the option to pay their accounts in instalments. The statements list any instalments paid as well.
The associates also require 2 insurance reports: the weekly insurance company report and the monthly claim status summary. Some insurers can take up to 60 days to remit funds to the practice after a claim has been submitted by the practice.
In addition to these 6 reports, the office staff would also like to be able to print mailing labels and appointment cards to send to patients when it’s time to remind them of their next appointment. They would also like a system that will generate emails and/or texts to patients as reminders or just for general information.
Alternatives And Strategies
At the end of the fact finding and analysis, it’s time to prepare a systems requirement document and give a presentation to the associates. The proposed system’s advantages were established during the fact finding. The benefits that are expected to result from the system are smoother operation, better efficiency and more user-friendly procedures for staff and patients.
It’s also time to examine the costs and benefits to determine the economic feasibility of several alternatives. If the practice decides to go ahead with the development process, the main options are to develop the system in-house or purchase a vertical package and configure it to manage the practice’s specific needs.
The current workload requires at least 3 hours of overtime for each office staff member per week. Some weeks the office staff spend up to 12 hours overtime catching up on various tasks. As well, based on current projections, it will also be necessary to add another full-time office staff member within 6 months. Neither the overtime nor the new position will be needed if the new system is implemented. However, the current manual system also causes an average of 3 errors per day and each error takes about 20 minutes to correct. The new system should eliminate these errors.
It’s been estimated that the project can be completed in 12 weeks working full-time. The consulting rate, which the practice has agreed to, is $240 per hour. If the new system is designed from scratch you can expect to spend around $3000 for a commercial DBMS system. After the system is implemented and the staff have been trained, they should be able to handle routine system maintenance tasks without the assistance of a consultant.
As an alternative to in-house development, a vertical software package is available for about $10,000. The vendor has terms requiring an initial payment of $3,000 following by a 2nd annual payment of $4,000 and a final annual payment of $3,000. If the practice decides to purchase this package it will take around 4 weeks to install, configure and test. The vendor provides free support during the 1st year but then the practice must sign a technical support agreement at an annual cost of $2500. Although the package has most of the features that the practice wants, the reports are all pre-configured and altering them would be difficult and expensive.
Regardless of which option is required there would be approximately 10 hours of training required which would be delivered by an external person at a cost of $250 per hour. The practice also expects that there will be ongoing support needed for each option over the 1st 3 months of installation. This would be to deal with any problems and general trouble shooting that would be an additional cost. The general housekeeping functions of each system, backup, maintenance, updates and so on could all be handled by one of the office staff members but is estimated to require around 4 hours per week. It is expected that there would be a useful life of around 5 years for each system. It is expected that installation of hardware and software would be $10,000 for each system. This includes cabling and incidental hardware including multi-function printers.
Activity 3
- Create a table, listing all tasks separately, with their duration;
- Identify all dependencies, and indicate what predecessor tasks are required;
- Construct a Gantt chart in Microsoft Project or other project management software;
- Identify the PERT/CPM chart in the software, and identify the critical path;
- Determine the overall duration of the project;
- Take clear screenshots of the Gantt chart and PERT/CPM chart and paste into your Report document in Part A: Initial Investigation under Project Management.
- Include the overall duration and critical path in your report.
You will have to think outside the square here and make sure that you cover the tasks needed. As well, you need to make sure that the tasks are at an appropriate level of detail to enable you to make an informed and professional decision about how long the project will take. Obviously there will be tasks that you will have to list at this early stage that you might not have to do or that depend on what direction the project will take. For example, the tasks needed if you implement an off-the-shelf package are different to the tasks needed if the system is developed in-house. Perhaps you need more than one project plan OR can you put multiple paths in a single plan? |
Case Study Part 4
As an analyst working on the development of the new system, it is your role to ensure that the project is feasible. Some of the reasons that projects fail are: incomplete requirements, lack of executive support, lack of technical support, poor project planning and lack of required resources. At this stage, you decide to do an initial project feasibility analysis, to see whether Good Health Clinic should continue with its plan for the new information system.
Activity 4
- What are the risks associated with this project? Create a list of up to 10 risks and their likelihood of happening (see Study Guide topic 4, activity 4.6 for an example of how this should be set out).
- Define the anticipated benefits of the new system. This should include both tangible and intangible benefits. Wherever possible, translate the intangible benefits into anticipated tangible benefits.
- Define the expected costs of the new system. Look at the examples given in workshop activities for some examples of expense categories. It is ok to give estimates at this point.
- Use two or more cost-benefit analysis techniques to decide whether to proceed with the project.
- Identify any assumptions and interpretations that you are making with respect to the information that you have been given, that you are estimating, and that you are projecting (into the future).
- Create a new section in Part A of your report: Risk and Cost Benefit Analysis. Insert your work from above, and give a clear indication as to whether it is feasible to continue with the project.
- Does the proposed system present a strong business case? Why or why not? Include a recommendation as to whether the system should proceed, as the final part of your preliminary report. The Preliminary Investigation part of your Report can now be submitted.
Most of the stuff you need here is in the text and you work on during tutorials. Look carefully at how the ‘risks’ are worded and how the costs and benefits are laid out in a ‘good’ feasibility plan. Always use ‘good’ examples as your template and don’t forget to look for these. GOOGLE examples so get a good feel for ‘best practice’. |
Case Study Part 5
You have a list of tasks to do, which include interviewing staff with various job roles. This is part of the investigation, where fact-finding is conducted to find out more about the requirements for the proposed system.
Activity 5
- What fact-finding techniques, apart from interviews, would you recommend to find out the requirements for the new system?
- Identify at least two staff members with different primary job roles of interest to this project.
- Develop a list of questions for an interview with each staff member. Identify the time anticipated for the interview. Review your topic on creating interview questions, and make sure you include suitable question types.
- Include the interview plans in the Appendices for your Report.
- Include the recommendations for other fact-finding techniques, in your Report.
The questions and information you need to ask need to extend further than simply asking about design options. You need to get information that helps you plan the entire project from start to finish. For example, you will need to find out whether all current patient information and records are to put onto the new system. This will lead to other questions about numbers of records, format etc. Part of the project then needs to include options for getting that information onto the system – will it be straight data entry or can things be scanned? How long would it take someone to enter the information if it’s straight data entry? So – questions and information raise more questions and result in more information. |
Case Study Part 6
During requirements modelling for the new system, you met with the office staff and the partners. Things were moving very quickly, and positively. Assume you conducted a series of interviews, reviewed processes, observed business operations, analysed the payment processes, and studied a sample of the reports. The objective was to develop a list of system requirements for the proposed system. You found the following information about the system inputs and outputs.
Output Design
The recommendation for a new computer system has been approved by the practice’s associates. A key step in the development of the system design is specification of the system’s outputs. The following outputs need to be designed.
Report Title | Report Contents |
Daily appointment list for each provider | provider name, patient name, patient telephone numbers, appointment time, procedure name |
Weekly provider report | provider number, provider name, patient number, date procedure performed, procedure code, procedure description, procedure fee, sub-totals by provider, grand total |
Patient statements | patient number, patient name, patient address, date procedure performed, procedure number, procedure description, provider name, procedure fee, sub-totals, instalments paid, amount outstanding, insurer parts paid, grand total owing/paid |
Mailing labels | patient name, patient address |
Input Design
Now that the outputs have been determined it is time to consider the inputs to the system and the design of the interfaces to capture the information needed.
Database Design
After completing the input and output design you now have to give consideration to the design of the database. The information shown on the inputs and outputs must be able to be entered and stored in a database for retrieval.
System Architecture
Assuming the input and output specifications and database design has been accepted by the associates, you will now need to examine the hardware requirements for the system. The office system will require a server and 4 workstations in the office and a further 8 workstations for the doctors and therapists. There will need to be a backup system and processes to ensure the integrity of the systems data. A multi-function laser printer and a colour laser printer are also required.
Activity 6
- Write down a list of the main functions needed to be handled by the new system.
- What are the roles that will be interacting with the system?
- Using all the information that you know about the Clinic’s business operations so far, create a use-case diagram for the new system.
- Select four use-cases and write a brief use-case description for them.
- Pick one of these use-cases and write a full use-case description for it. Use an activity diagram in the full description.
- Include the following in your report:
- the use-case diagram;
- the brief use-case descriptions;
- the full use-case description, including your activity diagram.
The functions you document here will need to show the specific things you have decided on during your analysis. Make sure that you use the correct symbols on each diagram and adhere to the standards required for each of them. |
Case Study Part 7
You have been preparing the System Requirement report for the partners. From your investigation so far, you are leaning towards a recommendation for either in-house development or outsourcing options for the new system. You are not sure that a commercial software package would meet all the Clinic’s needs.
Based on your research, you felt that it would be premature to select a development strategy at this time. Instead, you recommended to the partners that an in-house team should develop a design prototype, using a relational database as a model. You said that the prototype would have two main objectives:
- it would represent a user-approved model of the new system, and
- it would identify all system entities and the relationships between them.
- data design
- user interface design, and
- application architecture.
Activity 7
- Review the Good Health Clinic’s fact-finding summary and all other information you have about the required system. Be willing to critically analyse this for duplications and inconsistencies.
- Draw an ERD with crows-foot cardinality notation. Assume that system entities include patients, practitioners (doctors, therapist and nurses), procedures, costs, appointments, dates, times etc….
- Design tables – making sure each table only refers to one “thing”. As you create the database design, identify primary and foreign keys by underlining primary keys, and making foreign keys italic.
- If you add primary keys which use codes – for example a code for the procedureID, then identify the format of these codes.
- Create suitable sample data to populate the fields for at least three records in each table.
- Include the following in your report:
- The ERD you have completed;
- The database design (schemas);
- Formats of codes used;
- Sample data for each table.
You are going to have to demonstrate some initiative to develop the tables, data items, keys etc. The project narrative has provided you with some information but left information out that you would be expected to define as an analyst. GOOGLEexamples of customer invoices, medical procedures and their associated information, appointment schedules, doctor information, etc. All of this will help you to design the tables and data items.MAKE SURE that you follow the formatting standards listed above! |
Case Study Part 8
You need to make sure that you have sufficient models to understand the new system. In reviewing the models (use-cases diagrams, including activity diagrams) you have realised that you have not included a system sequence diagram for any of the use cases.
After creating this, you are ready to review the options for a new system, and make a recommendation to the partners.
Activity 8
- Create a system sequence diagram for one of the use cases identified in Activity 6.
- Add this system sequence diagram to your report in the appropriate area.
- Search online for any potential commercial software packages that could be suitable. Identify two packages, and compare their features and their suitability to be used as the new system.
- Present at least three options for the new system in your report. One of these must be in-house development, and two of the others may be the commercial packages in (3) above.
- Review your feasibility analysis for the new system. Taking all options into consideration, make a recommendation for the new system, in your “Conclusion and Recommendations” section.
Final Steps
You have completed the content of your report, and now need to make sure that it is presented professionally, as it will be shown to the partners and staff at the Good Health Clinic.
Activity 9
Ensure your report is professionally presented. This means it should include:- a title page, with the name of the Report, and the analyst’s name (your name);
- an executive summary;
- a table of contents, with page numbers;
- page numbers on all pages except the title page;
- Headings, sub-headings, dot-points and numbering where necessary. Headings should be numbered or the structure should otherwise be easily identified;
- Appendices where necessary;
- Formatting and whitespace (space where there is no text or pictures) used appropriately – be willing to start each new section on a new page;
- Page orientation used appropriately. For example, if you have an ERD that will show better in landscape orientation than portrait orientation , set a Section break (Page Layout > Breaks) before this page, set the page to landscape and then set another Section break to start the new page in portrait again.
Sample to help with Assignment 2
5.3 Veritable Vegetables Order management System use case diagram (all actors)
Diagram produced using Microsoft Visio Professional 2013
5.2 Use-Case Description (Brief)
Use case | Brief use case description |
Create / Update customer (5.2.1) | Actor enters new customer account data, and the system assigns ID Key, creates a customer recordActor selects existing customer and updates record details |
Inventory of current produce (5.2.2) | Actor selects produce name, enters available stock, harvest information, system assigns Farm locationActor selects produce name assigns price/Kg Actor enters selects produce name, and the system retrieves and displays harvest information, Farm location, stock level, price/kg |
Customer Order (5.2.3) | Actor enters Customer ID, system displays Customer details, last order, delivery location, previous special instructionsActor fills /updates shopping trolley from Inventory of current produce, system returns order total, request confirmation of payment option, delivery location, special instructions |
Harvest Forecast (5.2.4) | Actor enters new produce name, and the system assigns ID Key, creates a produce recordActor selects existing produce name and updates anticipated supply record details Actor selects existing produce name and assigns price/Kg |
5.3 Use-Case Description (Full)
Fully developed use case description for Customer Order:Use case name: | 5.2.3 Create Customer Order. | |
Scenario: | Existing Customer starts new Order Online. | |
Triggering event: | An Existing Customer wants to make a new order online. | |
Brief description: | Customer enters Customer ID, system displays Customer details, last order, delivery location, previous special instructionsCustomer fills /updates shopping trolley from Inventory of current produce, system returns order total, request confirmation of payment option, delivery location, special instructions | |
Actor: | Customer. | |
Related use cases: | Might be invoked by Fulfilment use case. | |
Stakeholders: | Business Managers, Sales staff, Accounting staff, Order Fulfillment staff. | |
Preconditions: | Inventory of current produce subsystem must be availableProduce pricing subsystem must be available Create / Update customer subsystem must be available Customer order subsystem must be available | |
Postconditions: | Shopping basket items confirmed & acceptedSale Total confirmed & accepted Delivery location confirmed Special delivery instructions confirmed Payment option confirmed Order details sent to Fulfilment subsystem | |
Flow of activities: | Actor | System |
1. Customer initiates online order by entering Customer ID and pressing new order button | 1.1 Displays Customer details, last order, delivery location, previous special instructions. | |
1.2 System prompts customer to re-select items from last shopping basket and /or add/delete items | ||
2. Customer selects Inventory of current produce | 2.1 System displays Inventory of current produce and Product pricing | |
2.2 System prompts “Add items to shopping basket” | ||
3. Customer makes selection of item(s) & quantity | 3.1 System displays Order and pricing with total | |
3.2 System prompts for confirmation of Order completion or continue shopping | ||
4. If order complete, Customer selects Checkout | 4.1 System prompts for confirmation of Payment option | |
5. Customer selects payment option | 5.1 System records payment option | |
5.2 System prompts for confirmation of Delivery location | ||
6. Customer selects delivery location | 6.1 System records delivery instructions | |
6.2 System prompts for Special delivery instructions | ||
7 Customer notes special instructions | 7.1 System records Special delivery instructions | |
7.2 Prompts Order process complete | ||
8. Customer confirms order completed | 8.1 System passes order to Fulfilment subsystem | |
Activity diagram | Diagram produced using Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 | |
Exception conditions: | 1.1 Customer ID not found.3.2 No items selected (empty basket). |
5.4 System Sequence Diagram (Use Case – Scenario
Diagram produced using Microsoft Visio Professional 2013
6.0 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
6.01 ERD created using MS Visio Professional and excluding table details:
Diagram produced using Microsoft Visio Professional 2013
6.02 ERD created using MySQL Workbench including full table fields:
Diagram produced using MySQL Workbench Community 6.3
6.1 Test Data Inserts
These test data inserts have been included within the MySQL Workbench ERD prior to forward engineering of the Database.6.1.1 Customer Table
Diagram produced using MySQL Workbench Community Farm_groups Table
Diagram produced using MySQL Workbench Community Personnel Table
Diagram produced using MySQL Workbench Community Produce_tree_fruits Table
Diagram produced using MySQL Workbench Community Produce_tree_fruits Table
Diagram produced using MySQL Workbench Community 6.37.0 Review of Commercial Software Packages
Comparison of Off-The-Shelf Software package options*:Software Package name | GrowData – Vegetable & Packing Management | PackManager Lite .NET | Pick2Market |
Company | GrowData Developments | GV Custom Software | GV Custom Software |
Package functions: | |||
Full traceability from growing patch to customer | Y | Y | Y |
Packing Program | Y | Y | Y |
Multiple Suppliers on an Order | Y | N | Y |
Grower Payments | N | N | Y |
Production Inputs Tracking/Analysis | Y | N | N |
Mobile Application | N | N | Y |
Email System | N | N | Y |
Customisable | Y | N | Y |
Pricing | Only available on quotation | Only available on quotation(will be less than Pick2Market) | Only available on quotation |
Special feature | Free limited assessment available | N | N |
Website | | | |
8.0 Recommendations
Veritable Vegetables has a number of options via which to implement a Business Information System (BIS) including:Option 1 – Develop an initial/base BIS in-house;
Option 2 – Develop expanded BIS in-house;
Option 3 – Purchasing an Off-the-shelf package PackManager Lite .NET and implementing “as is”; and
Option 4 – Purchasing an Off-the-shelf package Pick2Market and undertaking some level of customisation.
It should be recognized that Veritable Vegetables currently has:
- A very low level of Business System technology use;
- A very low level of Business Process structure;
- Lacks an agreed and documented Strategic Business Plan;
- Lacks an agreed and documented Marketing Plan;
- No track record of developing and implementing structured business systems;
- Multiple business improvement opportunities;
- Multiple business development opportunities; and
- Constrained Human and Financial resources available to execute project development and implementation.
Option 1, the initial/base BIS Project, developed in-house utilizing a project team of consultants has a strong business case, returning an exceptionally high Return on Investment of over 727% and an Investment Payback period of less than 12 months.
However, it is strongly recommended that the scope of the proposed initial/base BIS Project be tightly constrained to the core functions of:
- Providing details of produce currently and imminently available together with expected available volume;
- Pricing of produce;
- Capturing the details of customer orders placed via telephone;
- Providing an online portal via which customers can make an order selection, write my essay online provide delivery details, and advised of billing amount;
- Capturing customer transaction history (what was ordered, volume/weight ordered, price per kilo paid, total value of order, date of transaction).
Constraining Project Scope will provide time and resources to:
- Develop a strategy for expanding the automation boundary within the VV business.
- Refine/completing Use Cases for core functionalities.
- Develop business experience in developing and documenting Veritable Vegetables Use Cases.
- Provide metrics on the cost of acquiring and maintaining the business data for the BIS.
- Assess the current “wish list” of system functionalities. The Wish List includes:
- Additional analytical features for farm managers;
- Social media networking options;
- Push Marketing via email;
- Personnel management including communications and resource allocation.
8.1 Recommended Next Steps
Subject to Management approval and allocation of funding, it is recommended that the next steps include:- A Gap Analysis to identify what additional information and skills maybe required to implement the project;
- A briefing to stakeholders of the development strategy and indicative development timeline;
- Identification and appointment of a suitable project development team;
- Selection of base of operations for the project team;
- Establishment of the next milestone/date for a formal review of the project;
- Formal commencement of the next development phase of the project.
A1.0 Fact finding & Interview plans:
A1.1 Project Fact Finding:
Methodologies and processes for gathering project information, in addition to conducting interviews, include:- Direct observation of the current business operations
- Review current business forms: This will help to identify what information and data is currently being captured and processed by the business:
- Short focused written / online surveys of major stakeholder groups
- Vendor / Off the shelve solution search (What have other people produced to service a similar business)
A1.2 Initial Stakeholder Interviewees:
With reference to Section 3.1.2, Staff Interviews, the recommendation is to commence the Project Fact Finding Phase with stakeholder by interviewing:- COO, Jill MacDonald
- Farm Hand, Production, Bill or Ben
- Farm Hand, Production, Betty or Bettina
Interviewing a male and female member of the Farm Hand, Production Stakeholder group is intended to provide Workface Level perspectives of the current business process, perceived shortcomings, and the scope of required and desired functionality in the new BIS.
A1.3 Sample Interview Questions:
The interview questions include quantitative components, an opportunity to expand their response, and closes with the interviewer seeking confirmation of the response.Estimate interview time: 15 to 20 minutes
(If the interviewee understands there is a time constraint, they are more likely to focus on the interview. Also ask for the time to be exclusive.)
Internal Stakeholder Interview Questions
- Could give me a brief overview of how a customer places an order:
To confirm (just to clarify):
- If the ordering process is separated into distinct phases of Receiving the order, verifying the order, fulfilling the order, payment processing, delivering the order.
1 | 2 | 3 |
To confirm (just to clarify):
- What is the first element of the ordering process, you would address?
To confirm (just to clarify):
- What are the 3 most significant hurdles to changing the current ordering process?
1 | 2 | 3 |
To confirm (just to clarify):
- What are the 3 most significant benefits you want from the new BIS system?
1 | 2 | 3 |
To confirm (just to clarify):
- Do you have any suggestions?
To confirm (just to clarify):
Internal Stakeholder Interview Response Matrix
In order to analyse the collective responses to the interviews questions, the responses are to be entered in point form in the appropriate box:Short comings / Problems | Solutions | |
Management personnel | ||
Operational personnel |
School of Business and Tourism
Systems Analysis and Design (ISY00243)
Assignment 1 System Requirements Report Part A : Initial Investigation
Due date 11.00 pm Thursday Week 6
Weight 20% of overall unit assessment
- Task Description
1.1 Overview
You are required to read the provided Case Study document (on MySCU) and complete each of the activities and questions in the weeks advised.
The answers to all activities and questions are to be collected in one “Systems Requirements Report” with a title page, page numbers, table of contents, headings and all other report formatting.
The purpose of the full System Requirements Report is to guide and enable your fictional client to make a rational selection from options for a proposed computer application.
The Initial Investigation part of this report will include:
Business Information including Organisation Chart
System Vision document
Project Management Chart
Simplified risk and cost-benefit analysis
Feasibility analysis
You will be required to include other sections and models in the full Systems Requirements
Report (see Part B). For example:
Fact Finding documents
Use cases
ERD and Domain Model class diagrams
System Sequence Diagrams
Project Management charts with progress against tasks
Conclusions and recommendations.
You will also be required to make a presentation as part of this unit (worth 10% of your marks).
1.2 Report submission requirements
You are advised to use this outline as a starting point for your Table of Contents. The final submission is to be formatted as a report document with page numbering, section headings, and all other appropriate report formatting requirements, including executive summary and appendices. For more details about report writing, please see:
…and select “Writing Reports”. This site also has many other useful “Quick Guides”.
1.3 Suggested completion schedule (Part A and B)
Section of Report | Completeduring week | |
0 | Set up report outline, page numbers, table of contents, headings,title page etc (see Activity 9). | 1-2 |
1 | Business Information: name and short background information onorganisation, simple organisation chart showing overall structure of business. Description of area of the organisation under study. | 3 |
2 | System Vision Document – problem description, anticipatedbusiness benefits and system capabilities | 4 |
3 | Work Breakdown Structure and draft project management chart | 5 |
4 | Simplified risk and cost/benefit analysis | 6 |
5 | Data gathering activities | 7 – 8 |
6 | Use case descriptions and diagram; activity diagrams | 9 |
7 | ERD and Domain Model Class diagram | 10 |
8 | System Sequence Diagram | 11 |
9 | Update Part A according to feedback, and finish report. | 12 |
HAND IN PART B: Final Report AT END OF WEEK 12 | ||
Prepare Oral presentation | 12 – 13 | |
1.6 Software
You are required to use appropriate computer software packages to produce output for many of the above techniques. This approach should assist you with the inevitable changes that you (or another analyst, in a real life system) will need to make, and also gives a better quality and hence more readable result. Hand-drawn diagrams are not suitable for this project.
- Marking Criteria
be of sufficient length to adequately describe that section.
- Submission Format
time to review your assignment for originality, through the Turnitin process. Your Part A and Final Report assignment submissions should each be in the form of ONE Microsoft Word document, including the Turnitin statement.
You should include your diagrams in this Word document, as clear graphics. Note: any graphics that cannot be clearly seen will NOT be marked.
Your Word document should be named as: Lastname_FirstIinitial_PartA.doc (or docx). For example, my submission would be named Mason_R_PartA.doc or Mason_R_PartA.docx.
- More information
local lecturer or tutor.
- Original work
Exchange of ideas with other people can be considered educationally valuable; however, excessive collaboration will be regarded as plagiarism, which is a University offence. For example, the copying of significant parts of a document, even if subsequently modified, is plagiarism. Such academic dishonesty will be penalised in accordance with the University’s rules and regulations.
You must not copy material from books, magazines, internet sources or other students’ assignments. Of course, you may include direct quotes from any source, but these must be small (e.g. one sentence or one paragraph) and must be properly referenced, using the Harvard Referencing Style. The value and relevance of including materials from another source must be fully explained. If plagiarism is found in your assignment, you may receive zero marks for this assignment.
The assessment process may require some students to attend an interview in order to explain aspects of their assignment.
- Problems to avoid
Do not copy materials from any source, unless referenced. Explain the value and significance of any external materials.
- Identification
Student ID, Unit code (ISY00243), Session and year (Session 2, 2016)
- Retain duplicate copy
during the session. In the event of any uncertainty regarding the submission of assessment items, you may be requested to reproduce a final copy and/or any previous versions of your work.
- Penalty for late submission
An extension of time will only be considered (not necessarily approved) when a written request is submitted with appropriate supporting documentation and in accordance with University guidelines.
- Marks and Feedback
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