Sunday, April 28, 2019

Book exam for Celia, a Slave by Melton A. Mclaurin

In a complete essay, answer ONE of the following. Your exam must be one page, single-spaced, in 10 pt. Times Roman font. Please do not forget to answer the entire essay question. McLaurin talked about the “sexual politics of slavery” and gender in his book. In your opinion, how did slavery affect women-both white and black-differently than men. Use evidence from the book to support your conclusions. The fact that Celia even had a trial challenged the “peculiar institution” in the South. Why do you think Callaway County, MO allowed Celia a trial, even though she was considered property, not a person? Celia was given the death penalty for her crime, yet how did her actions (and Celia’s exploitation by Newsome) force white Southerners to face the moral ambiguity of the slave system? Again, use examples from the book to support your conclusions.

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